Collector's Guide

From One Collector to Another

This page is where I plan to post my notes on houses I've collected (or in some cases, noticed in other people's collections). It will be different from the late "Papa" Ted Althof's site in that we will be examining a wider variety of houses from each classification and period. However, we will stick with Ted's terminology when possible, and we'll avoid repeating things we can just link to. So fans of "Papa" Ted can be assured that you won't have to learn new terminology or see Ted's valuable work made irrelevant.

That said, every week I learn something new about cardboard Christmas "putz" houses. Sometimes every day. And I'm sure that at least some of what I've learned will be useful to fellow collectors.

At the same time, we love conversations with other collectors. So please use our Contact Page to get in touch with questions, corrections, additions, whatever.

Stay Tuned . . . :-)

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